Stones of Remembrance
Christian Retreat Center
Our first & primary calling is to be a service to pastors & ministers. Ministry Leaders constantly give of themselves along with their wives and families. We provide a place where a ministry leader can truly make this a time of sabbatical. Where they rest their bodies, renew their mind, re-ignite their spirit, reconnect with their family & remember who they are in Christ while being ministered to & served in way they never know at home; allowing them to return better able to give of their abundance instead of a lack.
The Director’s Cottage serves as the ministries office as well as our home & residence as the on-site directors. Much of the ministry to our guest takes place at the Director’s cottage, thru sharing a meal, visiting, sharing life experience & personal ministry. The Director’s Cottage has a bunk room for up to 4 guests to sleep with access to the loft bathroom.
The Boathouse is a one room cottage for our guest to use. It has electricity, air conditioning & heat. It is equipped with a queen-size bed, microwave, mini fridge, washstand with basin & jugs of water, & an adult toilet chair.
The camp serves as an area for individuals, families, youth groups or Christian boys & girl’s youth organizations to use for weekend outings & summer camp. We also have camper outlets for individuals & families to use for their personal campers.
We look forward to soon having our first family cottage with a sleeping loft, a private bath & a small kitchen. The Family Cottages will be a service to ministry leaders as well as to families wanting to seek a time of sabbatical where they can rest, recreate, relax, reflect and seek God.
The Family Cottages also are a part of our Service to Individuals. Individuals who are guest visiting us for special celebrations. It is time set aside for a specific purpose. Whatever their purpose it is our desire that they be touched in special way while with us. Whether through casual conversation, pictures on the wall, the music playing, or a personal ministry time, when they leave their lives will be forever changed. Not because they spent time with us but because we introduced them to a fuller understanding of who Christ is and his purpose for them.
The Group Lodge will be a Service to the Church. The Building will be one with a large Dining/Meeting Room with large windows with a view of the lake. It will include a fully equipped kitchen, restroom facilities with showers & dormitories. The Group Lodge will serve all the eating, sleeping, meeting and recreation needs for any age group on retreat. As a Retreat Center we not only would provide the physical facilities but would also host occasional retreats with international evangelist along with offering assistance in providing keynote featured speakers for individual church and youth retreats as well as week long summer camp.
Additionally part of the calling of our ministry is to mentor young men just out of high school, college age or even young married men. Helping them learn what it is to be God’s man and His purpose and destiny for them. We would host small groups of young men teaching them through work & outdoor activities.
We feel we would serve groups of boys and girls, and youth groups teaching them to fish and learn thru all sorts of outdoor fun & recreation. Whether it is a youth group, home-school field trip or one child at a time we would like children to have the experiences they never get in the city and connect in a real way to God through His creations in the wildlife.
The buildings will be built one phase at a time, starting with the first Family Cottage, followed by a shower house for campers & guest staying in the boathouse to use. Next a pavilion with roll up doors for open air use or closed down to allow for year round gatherings. Additional Family Cottages of varying sizes would be built one at a time. The long range goal is to build the Group Lodge.
We will have both floral gardens, vegetable gardens, a berry patch & an orchard to provide a tranquil place for guest to stroll and enjoy themselves without going far, while also providing much of the vegetables, fruit and flowers needed to serve our guest with the best. Stones of Remembrance is a place full of God’s wonders in nature. Whether spring, summer, fall or winter His handiwork is always evident. The beauty of His creation allow guest to truly be restored while fishing, boating, gathering by the lake, enjoying a campfire while roasting hot dogs or making smores, taking a nature walk or sitting & reading. We look forward to your spending time with us.
Steve & Judy Wilkerson

The Vision
Judy & I received the first piece of the puzzle for the journey God has called us to on our honeymoon. Over the first 14 years of our marriage He revealed piece by piece developing the vision we currently know. After another 14 years the pieces started coming together. Our destiny, our calling is a ministry of service. Service to Pastors & ministers, Service to Individuals, Service to Families, Service to the Church, Service to outdoor enthusiasts & Service to the Community around us. The Ministry has a total of 25 Acres. When fully developed on this property will be the Director’s Cottage, the Boathouse, a Camp, Family Cottages, a shower house, a pavilion & lastly a Group Lodge. The property includes an 8 acre private lake providing relaxing recreation. Our Ministry is called “Stones of Remembrance”.